Birth Control guide

Birth Control guide

This detailed guide covers all the current available methods to control your fertility and prevent unwanted pregnancy.

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Intrauterine Device (IUD)

Intrauterine Device (IUD)

Intrauterine Devices or IUDs are small T shaped devices inserted into the uterine cavity to prevent pregnancy. They work locally and not systemically like pills or shots (less side effects). Copper IUD have no hormone, Levonorgesterol IUDs have a progestin hormone to thin the endometrial lining. They can last from 3 to 10 years long. Some women are great candidates but it is not without risk such as ectopic pregnancy or PID. Learn if this great device is for you.

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NEXPLANON is a 3 year implantable contraceptive device that has the lowest weight gain and the highest effectiveness at preventing pregnancy. This guide helps to explain the pros and cons of using this method, why it is considered the best available birth control and why Dr. Quezada is the leading trainer for the device in Texas.

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Sterilization in women is a process to disrupt the meeting between sperm and egg by blocking or removing the fallopian tube. It is one of the most sought after surgeries in the US and form of birth control.

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